Basset rescue is an organization that is solely run by volunteers, and we can never have enough volunteers! Almost all of our volunteers have full-time jobs, families, and other obligations.
Here are a few of the tasks that we can always use help with………..
Here are a few of the tasks that we can always use help with………..
Volunteers - If you are interested in volunteering in other areas, our doors are always open.

EVENTS: The picnics, parties and events that we have during the course of the year require a coordinated effort of many volunteers.
• Picking up supplies
• Coordinating the silent auction
• Organizing games/contests
• Clean up
• Marketing/publicizing events
• Picnic set-up and tear-down
MERCHANDISE: We try to sell our HCBHR merchandise at our picnics and other animal events.
• Research new merchandise
• Set up and sell merchandise our picnics each year (Denver and Colorado Springs)
PAPERWORK: We shuffle a lot of paperwork in order to run the rescue. Extra shufflers are always welcome!
• Prepare and mail contracts to adoptive parents (requires computer)
• Track and request vet records
• Organize files and request missing paperwork
DONATIONS: We are always in need of monetary donations as well as physical items for our silent auctions, and other events.
• Solicit physical donations
• Receive and organize physical donations
• Write thank you notes for received donations
TRANSPORTING: Since Colorado is such a large area, our need for transport help is ongoing. Most of the time, transport help includes picking up a dog and transporting him to another volunteer, a kennel or vet appointment. We are usually able to inform you a few days in advance.
HOME VISITS: We can always use volunteers to do home visits. Home visits require you to contact the potential adopter and set up a time for the home visit. You will be given a home inspection form that will lead you through the process and help you determine what information we need to know about the home. Each visit takes approximately 30 minutes.
Please consider volunteering to help our needy Basset Hounds. Volunteering is a satisfying and rewarding experience. You will be making a difference in the lives of these homeless pets.
• Picking up supplies
• Coordinating the silent auction
• Organizing games/contests
• Clean up
• Marketing/publicizing events
• Picnic set-up and tear-down
MERCHANDISE: We try to sell our HCBHR merchandise at our picnics and other animal events.
• Research new merchandise
• Set up and sell merchandise our picnics each year (Denver and Colorado Springs)
PAPERWORK: We shuffle a lot of paperwork in order to run the rescue. Extra shufflers are always welcome!
• Prepare and mail contracts to adoptive parents (requires computer)
• Track and request vet records
• Organize files and request missing paperwork
DONATIONS: We are always in need of monetary donations as well as physical items for our silent auctions, and other events.
• Solicit physical donations
• Receive and organize physical donations
• Write thank you notes for received donations
TRANSPORTING: Since Colorado is such a large area, our need for transport help is ongoing. Most of the time, transport help includes picking up a dog and transporting him to another volunteer, a kennel or vet appointment. We are usually able to inform you a few days in advance.
HOME VISITS: We can always use volunteers to do home visits. Home visits require you to contact the potential adopter and set up a time for the home visit. You will be given a home inspection form that will lead you through the process and help you determine what information we need to know about the home. Each visit takes approximately 30 minutes.
Please consider volunteering to help our needy Basset Hounds. Volunteering is a satisfying and rewarding experience. You will be making a difference in the lives of these homeless pets.
This was Lucy in her foster home.